Firm simplifies Fair Work laws - Lawyers Weekly
By Alan J. McDonald
Lawyers Weekly quoted our Senior Associate, Andrew Jewell about the launch of McDonald Murholme’s User Guide to the Fair Work Act. The guide summarises the Fair Work Act 2009 in a digestible format so that employees can quickly assess whether they are protected by the act without having to pay expensive legal costs.
Firm simplifies Fair Work laws
An employment law firm has sought to appeal to its clients by developing a simplified guide to the Fair Work Act.
McDonald Murholme identified a need for a simple and understandable resource for its clients facing issues under the act.
In response, the firm launched the User Guide to the Fair Work Act.
McDonald Murholme senior associate Andrew Jewell said, “Workplace issues can cause a great deal of stress for all parties involved and it is important that there are free and accessible resources available to those who have been affected.”
The guide summarises the Fair Work Act 2009 in a digestible format so that employees can quickly assess whether they are protected by the act without having to pay expensive legal costs.
“We have designed this guide so that employees know how the law protects them when their employment has been terminated, they have been forced or coerced into resignation, employment has been adversely treated or when confronted with a better resourced and more powerful employer,” Mr Jewell said.
Reference: “Firm Simplifies Fair Work laws”, Lawyers Weekly, 6th October 2015
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McDonald Murholme guide to the Fair Work Act – The Australian